Litigation and Disputes

Riada has a team specialised in providing litigation and dispute services and provides the necessary experience and knowledge to represent its clients in courts and other legal outlets.

Litigation and dispute services are represented by the following:


Riada provides legal advice related to litigation and disputes and helps its clients understand their rights and determine the appropriate next steps to end disputes in the best possible way.
We also represent our clients in various courts, and we take all necessary measures to protect their rights, achieve their legitimate interests, and prepare the necessary payments, pleadings, and documents to prove our clients' position.


Riada prepares agreements and contracts related to mediation, including settlement and arbitration agreements, mediation agreements, and other agreements related to resolving friendly Settlement as it uses the means of negotiation between the conflicting parties and mediation to find amicable solutions.


Riada provides arbitration services represented in commercial arbitration, arbitration of investment disputes, preparation of arbitration contracts, in addition to providing advice related to arbitration and providing appropriate solutions to end disputes in the best possible manner.


You can communicate with

 Abdulrahim Al - zahrani


Mohammad Al- Jadani



The public right is linked to the lawsuit in which the Public Prosecution is a party and it is not valid to waive it, while the private right is a right related to the plaintiff in person and it is valid to waive it at any stage of litigation. 

If the defendant is sentenced to imprisonment for a period of three months or more, this shall be subject to deportation.

The defendant shall be notified for a period of not less than 15 days before registering the case in court.

The judicial judgment cannot be implemented until after the lapse of the period specified by law, and in the event that the judgment is objected to by one of the parties to the dispute, it is submitted to the Court of Appeal, and then the Court of Appeal decides either to overturn or uphold it. 

Personal status cases are exempt from judicial costs, as well as labor cases and administrative court cases.
Companies enjoy financial independence, and penalties cannot be imposed on the company's statutory representative unless he refrains from direct execution.
The mere challenge of forgery does not exempt from its implementation, and the penalties remain on the executor against him until the forgery is proven or not before the competent authorities.
 Is it possible to object to the judgment of the Court of Appeal?
Objection to the judgment of the Court of Appeal shall be by a request (appeal in cassation) submitted to the Supreme Court, taking into account the conditions that must be met therein.