Foreign Investment Companies
Riada provides a company establishment service for investors wishing to establish companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by a specialised team of lawyers and experts in the field of foreign investment
and it includes the following services:
Providing advice to the client to determine the suitable type of company based on the desired activity.
Issuing foreign investment license of all kinds (service, commercial, real estate, industrial, etc.)
Establishing companies of all kinds and completing all necessary procedures.
Drafting and preparing memorandum of association and articles of association.
Renewal of commercial registers.
Reserving Commercial Names.
Performing mergers and acquisitions.
Issuance and cancellation of commercial register.
Updating the commercial register data from address or activities.
Appointment and removal of a manager for the commercial register.
Issuing property ownership approvals for investors and companies.
Modify the exit and entry of partners.
Adding and modifying licensing activities or the company's capital.
Renewal of investment licenses
Cancellation of investment licenses.
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It is required to be a holder of a premium residency or the presence of a foreign company abroad.
The minimum share capital of the company varies depending on the type of activity.
It is possible depending on the type of activity chosen.
What are the conditions for reserving a foreign trade name
1-The existence of an investment license.
2- Commercial registration of the foreign company inside the Kingdom.
Yes, this can be done by canceling the investment license and assigning all shares to a Saudi partner.
Yes, establishments are allowed to own real estate in the following cases:
1- Property for personal housing.
2- A property for the headquarters of the industrial establishment.
3- Real estate as the administrative headquarters of the company or housing for employees.
4- Real estate for warehouses and shopping centers.
The entity cannot engage in property leasing as it constitutes an activity that requires obtaining an investment license of the type 'Real Estate,' which allows the entity to own properties for the purpose of leasing and management.
Yes, in the event of the owner's (God forbid) death, the shares transfer to the heirs according to their legal shares, and the company's founding contract is amended to include them as partners.